This course is part of the following programs:
Completion of SAN0004
In this course, students will explore passive and impersonal voices using a given set of Saṃskṛtam sentences besides refining their active voice usage through engaging in conversations. To enhance their reading skills, students will be provided with a collection of stories to practice throughout the quarter. They will then select one of these stories and create a skit set in a contemporary context, which they will present at the end of the term. In addition, students will engage in debates on pre-prepared topics given to them at the beginning of the course. The highlight of this quarter is the students’ exposure to various news clips in Saṃskṛtam, enabling them to expand their vocabulary, comprehend the content, and summarize it in their own words.
Students will have a dedicated 1.5 hours of valuable contact time with the faculty once a week. The class has been meticulously structured to foster effective learning in an engaging online face-to-face format. Furthermore, the curriculum is thoughtfully designed to build upon the knowledge acquired in previous classes. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to collaborate with their peers outside of class, working together to successfully complete group assignments and engaging activities.
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On the program page, there are multiple payment plan options to choose from.